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AGM 2021 - Farewell Auntie T!

The Centre Stage AGM was held virtually on December 17th 2021.

We took a look back at 2020-2021 (having had to postpone the 2020 AGM due to COVID), announced the season for 2022, announced the cast of CATS, and revealed the results of the elections.

We dedicated most of the call to celebrating the wonderful Cortina Henderson, who stepped down as President from Centre Stage after over 30 years in the society. You can watch her tribute here:

Centre Stage was 'born' in 1966 as the Post Office London Light Opera Group. In 1984, after privatisation, it became the British Telecom London Light Opera Group. In 1991, Cortina was working for British Telecom when she spotted a poster for Guys and Dolls. She went on to perform in the show in 1992 and never looked back. She joined the committee as Publicity Manager, and became Chair a couple of years later, by which point we were colloquially using the term 'Centre Stage'. Her last on-stage show was A History of the World according to Centre Stage, in 2001. In 2008 the society became a formal charity, Centre Stage London, and Cortina became President. In 2016 we celebrated our 50th anniversary, with Cortina at the helm of the celebrations. In 2019, Cortina was awarded a NODA Lifetime Achievement Award. As she steps down, we cannot thank her enough for all her years of service, and the love she has shown to the entire Centre Stage family. Check out her video, which caused many people on the call to reach for the tissues!

2022's first show of the season will be CATS. Casting was incredibly tough but we have a fantastic group of Toms, Queens and Kittens who cannot wait to start rehearsing!

Tickets will be on sale at the end of January.

We will finish 2022 with the magical Cinderella: Enchanted Edition.

The summer slot is not yet filled - pitches will open for submission in January.

The newly elected Committee are:

President – Alexis Rose

Chair – James-Lee Campbell

Secretary – John Hoarey

Treasurer – tbc

Business Manager – Emma Newman

Box Office Manager – Francois Vanhoutte

Membership & Events Manager – Peter Stonnell

Events Officer – Kaylen Rose

Education & Diversity Officer – Giusy Pappalardo

Marketing Manager – Gia Benjamin

Marketing Officer – Rosie’ O’Rourke

Social Media Officer – Will Hunkin

Artistic Director – Will Garrood

Technical Director - tbc

Please get in touch if you would like to be considered for the Treasurer or Technical Director roles.



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Registered Charity: 279647

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